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sábado, 4 de febrero de 2012

Hope Of The States - The Lost Riots (2004)

A veces una tragedia personal puede suponer un revulsivo y otras es el principio del fin. Un poco de estas dos cosas es lo que les pasó a Hope Of The States.

Pasaron de tener un futuro prometedor a separarse, en cuestión de tres años y todo desencadenado por esa tragedia.

Cuando su primer single alcanzó el número 25 de la lista de ventas, su guitarrista, James Lawrence decidió suicidarse.
No sólo no abandonaron sino que esto les llevó a completar un disco unos meses después que es  un derroche de emociones y épica desbordada.

Es quizás un compendio de alguno de los mejores discos que sonaban esos años: Temas como "The Black Amesias", nos recuerdan a los Mogwai más accesibles,"Enemies/Friends" es el single que nunca harán Coldplay y "Black Dollar Bills", sería el único tema bueno de Sigur Ros, si es que alguna vez componen algo bueno.

Si a esto le sumamos otros temas de igual calado emocional como "Me ves y sufres" o "The Red The White The Black The Blue", tenemos uno de los mejores discos de los 2000.

Lástima que no tuviera continuidad en su segundo y último disco ,"Left" que para mí es un paso en falso del que no se recuperarían.

Por otra parte el sesgo político , pero no panfletario , de muchas de sus letras lo hacen más necesario hoy en día, cuando la profesión (sí, profesión) de político está más que cuestionada. Y esto con unas canciones de estructura compleja, infinidad de matices y magistralmente ejecutadas - Si, lo habéis adivinado: Obra Maestra.

All music,dice:"Hope of the States lost one of their best friends during the recording of The Lost Riots. They could have given it all up to mourn the loss of founding guitarist James Lawrence, but their dedication to one another and to their music could not be disregarded. The majestic soundscape that is The Lost Riots honors the band's personal bond and cherishes the memory of their late friend, but that's merely a stepping stone. Sam Herlihy's bittersweet vocal delivery during the piano-driven ballads "Don't Go to Pieces" and "Sadness on My Back" matches the heartache previously displayed by Starsailor's James Walsh. He's even a touch like Richard Ashcroft, a working-class poet in progress much like Ashcroft was during his latter years with the Verve. With their tragic loss aside, there's a lilting sense of comfort surrounding the 13-song set. Hope of the States compose a youthful, rebellious spark found in those who raise a fist against corporate establishment. The dynamic of love and loss will never rest, and it bursts with a millions fibers and a few tears as Hope of the States channel their frustration for the man versus man equation. Herlihy's heavy-hearted voice and Mike Siddell's atmospheric violin arrangements during "Enemies/Friends" immediately set the anthemic tone of The Lost Riots. Words as simple as "Come on people/keep your friends close/your enemies won't matter/in the end" makes it all seem so easy. Hope of the States encourage those people to take a stand against anything that challenges faith. It's just their sharp, yet sensitive approach that makes The Lost Riots emerge honest and true. Even the more ambitious numbers like "The Red the White the Black the Blue," a downpour of acoustic guitars, pianos, and percussion, and the old-timey jangle "George Washington" don't come off as pretentious or overly earnest. It's likely that Hope of the States are firm in questioning a bullying United States, but the songs are open-ended enough so that they could be about anything to anyone. Genuine sincerity is the key to their success, and The Lost Riots breaks apart the darkness of personal tragedy for a joyful daybreak. Herlihy softly croons "I've seen from broken people smile" at the start of "Black Dollar Bills." If that's not enough to impress you, the soaring exclamation of "Nehemiah" is promising. The double-cross of emotions holds The Lost Riots together, thus making Hope of the States' first introduction an impressionable one." by Mackenzie Wilson

2 comentarios:

  1. http://www.mediafire.com/?4coul8qmdg4sd01

  2. Leì sobre este grupo en una revista, asì que voy a escucharlos a ver què tal! gracias pòr compartir!!!!!
